ने मजसी ने परत मातृभूमीला

Parent Category: English Category: Marathi Poems Written by सौ. शुभांगी रानडे
I have tried to translate the famous motivational poem of Shri. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, a freedom fighter and beloved leader of all Indians. Please suggest changes in words or phrases as I am not so expert in English language. I just wanted that the poem should be understood in meaning by all those who do not understand Marathi. - S. V. Ranade

ने मजसी ने परत मातृभूमीला
सागरा प्राण तळमळला ॥धृ॥
Oh you ocean, please take me back to my homeland
My soul is restless

भूमातेच्या चरणतला तुज धूता मी नित्य पाहिला होता
मज वदलासी अन्य देशि चल जाऊ सृष्टिची विविधता पाहू
I had seen you constantly washing the feet of mother earth
You had lured me to go to other country and see Nature diversity

तैं जननीहृद् विरहशंकितहि झाले परि तुवां वचन तिज दिधले
मार्गज्ञ स्वये मीच पृष्ठि वाहीन त्वरित या परत आणीन
My mother’s  heart was in doubt of parting forever, but you promised her
"Be assured, I am the guide and shall bring him back by carrying him on my surface"

विश्वसलो या तव वचनी मी जगद्नुभवयोगे बनुनी मी
तव अधिक शक्ती उद्धरणी मी येईन त्वरे कथुनि सोडिले तिजला ॥
I believed on your words and got ready to see the world
I told about your power and left her with promis to come back

सागरा प्राण तळमळला
My soul is restless

शुक पंजरि वा हरिण शिरावा पाशी ही फसगत झाली तैशी
भूविरह कसा सतत साहु या पुढती दशदिशा तमोमय होती
Just as a parrot gets trapped in cage or deer enters a net, I got deceived
How I can sustain the parting from my homeland when darkeness is filling around

गुणसुमने मी वेचियली या भावे की तिने सुगंधा घ्यावे
जरि उद्धरणी व्यय न तिच्या हो साचा हा व्यर्थ भार विद्येचा
I picked up many many flowers of good qualities ( information or knowledge) , so that she can get please by their scent
If this knowledge is not used for her development, it is just a burden of learning

ती आम्रवृक्षवत्सलता रे नवकुसुमयुता त्या सुलता रे
तो बाल गुलाबहि आता रे फुलबाग मला हाय पारखा झाला ॥
That loving smell of mango tree or fragrance of new flowers
That young rose scent, I miss them all

सागरा प्राण तळमळला
My soul is restless

नभि नक्षत्रे बहुत एक परि प्यारा मज भरतभूमिचा तारा
प्रासाद इथे भव्य परी मज भारी आईची झोपडी प्यारी
There are many stars in the sky, but I love only my star of India  ( Dhruva – North pole)
There are big mansions here , but I like my mother’s small hut

तिजवीण नको राज्य मज प्रिया साचा वनवास तिच्या जरि वनिचा
भुलविणे व्यर्थ हे आता रे बहु जिवलग गमते चित्ता रे
I do not want kingdom, I  am happy to live even  in her forest
Your show is worthless to me now, my heart is filled with her love

तुज सरित्पते जी सरिता रे त्वदविरहाची शपथ घालितो तुजला ॥
सागरा प्राण तळमळला
You are married with river, I shall curse you to  part with her
 If you do not take me back

या फेनमिषें हससि निर्दया कैसा का वचन भंगिसी ऐसा
त्वत्स्वामित्वा सांप्रत जी मिरवीते भिनि का आंग्लभूमीते
You  unsensible sole,  why you are laughing with foam on waves and breaking the promise
Are you afraid of the British land which claims now to be your master

मन्मातेला अबला म्हणुनि फसवीसी मज विवासनाते देशी
तरि आंग्लभूमी भयभीता रे अबला न माझि ही माता रे
If you are deceiving my home land considering her weak as I am away from my land
Even if you are afraid of British land, my motherland ins not weak

कथिल हे अगस्तिस आता रे जो आचमनी एक क्षणी तुज प्याला ॥
I remind you that son of my soil, sage   Ahasti  had  swallowed whole of you in single sip.

सागरा प्राण तळमळला
My soul is restless
 I know that there are some mistakes or inappropriate words.Your are free to modify it and distribute  by giving proper poetic format. Thanks
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