आकाशी झेप घे रे पाखरा

Parent Category: English Category: Marathi Poems Written by सौ. शुभांगी रानडे
Translation of Marathi poem 
'आकाशी झेप घे रे पाखरा' by जगदीश खेबूडकर

आकाशी झेप घे रे पाखरा
 - जगदीश खेबूडकर
Take a leap into the sky, Oh bird!
आकाशी झेप घे रे पाखरा
सोडी सोन्याचा पिंजरा
Take a leap into the sky,Oh bird!
Leave your golden cage
तुजभवती वैभव, माया
फळ रसाळ मिळते खाया
सुखलोलुप झाली काया
हा कुठवर वेड्या घेसी आसरा
You are surrounded by wealth and relations
with a delicious fruit to eat
You are happy with  idleness
How long will you take asylum here

घर कसले ही तर कारा
विषसमान मोती चारा
मोहाचे बंधन द्वारा
तुज आडवितो हा कैसा उंबरा
This is not a house but jail
The given food is nothing but poison
Attractions are holding you at door
How the door sill is stopping you
तुज पंख दिले देवाने
कर विहार सामर्थ्याने
दरि-डोंगर, हिरवी राने
जा ओलांडुनी या सरिता-सागरा
God has given you wings
Move as you like with strength
Go over valleys, hills and green pastures
Cross the rivers and sea
कष्टाविण फळ ना मिळते
तुज कळते परि ना वळते
हृदयात व्यथा ही जळते
का जीव बिचारा होई बावरा
Nobody gets fruit without efforts
You know it but fail to act accordingly
You feel sad about it in your mind only
Why your life has become so helpless
घामातुन मोती फुलले
श्रमदेव घरी अवतरले
घर प्रसन्‍नतेने नटले
हा योग जीवनी आला साजिरा
Pearls did grow through sweat
God of efforts arrived at home
House got filled with joy
This event has created happiness in life
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