यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो
Parent Category: English
Translation of famous Marathi poem.
यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो
Be Successful Be Winner
मुकेपणाने करिसी सेवा, तूच एकला मला विसावा दुवा काय मी तुजला द्यावा, यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो ! | You are serving me, without uttering a word. You are the only help to me What blessings should I give to you? Be successful Be winner in life |
दुबळ्यापोटी जन्मलास तू, नकोस दुबळा ठरू परंतु पुरेच कर तू माझे हेतू, यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो ! | You are born from helpless family But do not remain helpless in future Fulfil my aspirations, Be successful, Be winner in life |
बाळपणी तुज छळिते विपदा, थोरपणी तू मिळव संपदा धनवंताना जिंक दहादा, यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो ! | You have suffered in childhood, But earn wealth in your prime, Win over wealthy ten times, Be successful, Be winner in life |
व्यर्थ जन्म रे विद्येवाचुन, ज्ञान जगातील घेई वेचुन कीर्ति आण तू पायी खेचुन, यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो ! | Life is worthless without knowledge, Gather the same from entire world, Empower fame by your efforts, Be successful, Be winner in life |
तू अंधाच्या हाती काठी, तू कुलदीपक आईपोटी तूच एक मज पुढती-पाठी, यशवंत हो, जयवंत हो ! | You are a stick in the hand of a blind, You are the prospering son of the family, You are the only support to me in past and future Be successful, Be winner in life |