वाटते सानुली
Parent Category: English
Translation of Marathi poem 'वाटते सानुली' by दामोदर अच्युत कारे
I like this poem (from my childhood textbook ) and tried to translate it with a wish to convey the meaning of this beautiful poem to those who do not know Marathi language. Please forgive for any distortion of meaning.
I like this poem (from my childhood textbook ) and tried to translate it with a wish to convey the meaning of this beautiful poem to those who do not know Marathi language. Please forgive for any distortion of meaning.
वाटते सानुली
- दामोदर अच्युत कारे |
A small breeze
वाटते सानुली मंद झुळुक मी व्हावे घेईल ओढ मन तिकडे स्वैर झुकावे | I feel that I should become a small breeze and stroll any where freely as I feel like |
कधी बाजारी कधी नदीच्या काठी राईत कधी वा पडक्या वाड्यापाठी हळु थबकत जावे कधी कानोसा घेत कधी रमत गमत वा कधी भरारी थेट | In the market place or on the bank of river, In the bushes or backside of an old house Sometimes move with pauses, or listening to messages Moving slowly with free will or dashing fast somewhere |
लावून अंगुली कलिकेला हळुवार ती फुलून बघे तो व्हावे पार पसार परि जाता जाता सुगंध संगे न्यावा तो दिशादिशांतुनी फिरता उधळुनी द्यावा | Give a gentle touch to flower bud and run away when the flower blooms and sees But while going carry the scent and spread it in every direction |
गाण्याची चुकलीमुकली गोड लकेर झुळ्झुळ झर्याची पसरावी चौफेर शेतात पाचुच्या, निळ्या नदीवर शांत खुलवीत मखमली तरंग जावे गात | Carry a lost sweet tune of a song or the music of spring to spread all over Move over the green fields and river with cool blue water and create small soft waves like a song |
वेळूच्या कुंजी वाजवुनी अलगूज कणसांच्या कानी सांगावे हितगूज शिंपावी डोही फुले बकुळीची सारी गाळुनी जांभळे पिकली भुळभुळ तीरी | Create a musical sound in the bamboo bushes and speak in hushed low voice at corn ears Toss Bakul flowers on the suface of smll lake and throw down the ripe cherries(Jambhul fruits) on the bank |
दिनभरी राबुनी दबला दिसता कोणी टवटवी मुखावर आणावी बिलगोनी स्वच्छंद अशा या करुनी नाना मौजा घ्यावया विसावा यावे मी तिन्हीसांजा | If somebody is seen tired by day's work Make him fresh by brushing on his face After doing so many such playful deeds Come for taking rest in the evening |